1. Create a new account
Click the login button in the upper right corner of the Registration Home page. Click “Create New Account”. Enter email and password plus the name of the first or only student registering. Read the description of user types at the top of the page and choose a user type from the drop down menu. Once you have created your account you can register for classes by clicking class categories in the column on the left side of the page.
2. Log in and update existing account
Click the login button in the upper right corner of the Registration Home page. Enter your email address and password. Please edit any information that has changed since your last registration (e.g. user type, additional students, authorized for pick-up, grade level, learning needs and cell phone numbers).
3. User types
User types are based on the students annual household income. They are used to determine the cost of classes based upon scholarship eligibility. Choose the user type based on your annual household income, OR Choose user type (A.) if you DO NOT want to use scholarship funds. Families applying for a scholarship need to provide income verification within one week of registration.
- (A.) 2024 Annual Household Income over $65,000 (summer workshops will ring-in at full price)
- (B.) 2024 Annual Household Income $45,000-$65,000 (summer workshops will ring-in at the scholarship rate of: $125 each)
- (C.) 2024 Annual Household Income Less than $45,000 (summer workshops will ring-in at the scholarship rate of $50 each)
- Adult Class Registrants Only: Registrants for Adult Classes in the Studio Bricolage program.
NOTE: See the Scholarship FAQ section below for more information.
One-quarter of all children participating in programs at Leonardo’s Basement receive financial support. Scholarship funds are provided by generous individuals, corporations and foundations.
Scholarships are provided for summer classes at the levels shown above in the “User Type” FAQ, as funds are available. Each student is allowed to take up to four workshops at the scholarship rate and an unlimited number of additional workshops at the regular fee.
Scholarships are also available during the school year for families with an annual household income less than $45,000. All families requesting scholarship funds must provide page one of the 2024 IRS Form 1040. We must receive this information one week after registering or the student will lose their place in the class.
Drop-off & Pick-up
You must notify us in advance if someone other than a parent or guardian will pick up your child. We will check students in and out of programs outside, in front of the building.
Students registered for both a morning and afternoon summer class should bring a lunch for a supervised lunch period from 12:00-12:30 pm. Food is not available for purchase. We do not have a snack time. Water is always available.
Cancellation Policy NOTE: All cancellation requests must be made via email.
If you cancel:
– At least three weeks before the class or workshop begins we will refund the entire fee, less a $50 processing fee.
– At least two weeks before the class or workshop begins we will issue a credit for the entire class fee, less a $50 processing fee, to your Leonardo’s Basement account for a future class or workshop.
– Less than two weeks before the first day of class or workshop you will not receive a refund or credit.
Safety Policy
The goal of Leonardo’s Basement is to create a fun, engaging and safe learning environment. Children will be supervised at all times. However, the potential for accidents remains. It is the responsibility of the student and the parent to read the student safety guidelines prior to attending a class or workshop. Completing the registration is an acknowledgement that you have read the Student Safety Guidelines.
Education tax credits or deductions
Classes may qualify for the Minnesota K-12 education tax credit. Contact the Minnesota Department of Revenue for details. Our Federal Tax ID is 41-1911604.
Photographs and Videos
Registration implies permission to use photos and/or video clips of students for promotional purposes. Please notify us if you do not want your child in photos or videos.
The workshop is located in the center of the Twin Cities, in the Prospect Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. Near Hwy 280 and University Ave at 2 Malcolm Avenue SE Minneapolis 55414
Contact information
Please contact us if you have additional questions at:
- Phone: 612-824-4394
- Email: info@leonardosbasement.org
- Mail: Leonardo’s Basement, 2 Malcolm Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414