Also…sharpening the carving knives, buying lumber and culling the best junk for the junk bins! Because SUMMERTIME at Leonardo’s Basement begins Monday June 10!
Thanks to our amazing renaissance crew of instructors & assistants (all adults who remember what it’s like to be a kid!) we have been been able to add space to many workshops.
Want to make stuff June? Space available in these workshops:
June 10-14 Pneumatics, ages 11+, Sewing, ages 8+, Leather Craft 10+, Electric Avenue, Ages 8+
June 17-21 Build a Parade Float, ages 6+, Evidence of Mythological Creatures, ages 6+, Chair Mod , ages 9+, Invention, ages 6-14
June 24-28, Art of LEGO, ages 9+, Craft Lab, ages 6-12, Build What YOU Want, ages 6-12, Water, Ages 6+, Fools Ball, ages 9+, rt & Welding ages 14+, Adventure Playground
Friday Builders each Friday AM/PM & Full day options
All workshops meet Monday-Friday either 9:30-noon or 12:30-3:00