Celebrate do-it-yourself creativity and tinkering by joining Leonardo’s Basement at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 30 for the inaugural Minneapolis/St. Paul Mini Maker Faire. During this fun and family-friendly event, local and regional makers and artists will showcase, demonstrate and share their interactive creations.
Attendees can expect robots, workshops on coding and soldering, interactive art exhibits plus build and play areas for “kids” of all ages. Bring your curiosity for a day of exploration and discovery.
Learn more, buy tickets or register to volunteer at makerfairemsp.com. If you have stuff to share at the event, please complete the call for makers by April 26, 2015.
Come to the Fairgrounds on May 30 to make, create, learn, invent, craft, think, play, celebrate, and be inspired by arts, crafts, engineering, music, science, and technology.