We saved YOU a spot to come create with us!
July 23-27
9:30-noon Casting Aluminum (added section!) ages 14-17
9:30-noon: Build models of your favorite sci-fi fantasy ships and/or make costumes, props and creatures to represent Epic Heroines & Heros! (ages 6-12)
9:30-noon Harry Potter fans, unite! Wands, potions, magical creatures & whatever else you need on Diagon Alley! (Ages 10+)
12:30-3:00 Build a Cyborg Appendage. Make a mechanical, wearable model from your favorite movie or book (ages 11+)
12:30-3:00 Invention! Drills, saws, hot glue and a HUGE pile of junk for you to bring your ideas into being. (Ages 6-9)
July 30-August 3
9:30-noon Craft paper boats and seal them with wax. Art + Science=beauty (Ages 10+)
12:30-3:00 Calling all Maker Faeries & Tinker Bells! Build from your imagination using shop tools and all-the-good-junk! Wood, metal, plastic, fabric and MORE! (Ages 6-9)